Education is the backbone of any country's to boost the economy in the long run. Consequently, with the technology advancement - the giant tech has stepped up to an emphasis on the more instructive learning curve to make education easily accessible and easily understood in a practical way.

Over the last couple of years, we can witness how the educational VR content is being launched across a diverse range of platforms - a great initiative by education forum. However, there are some fantastic education apps out there that look great and clearly have had a lot of time and energy put into their development.
However, there are certain lacking areas, which needs to be understood while Education Application Development and the app development companies must emphasis on those lacking.
Firstly, the fact that some educational VR apps are not built on a solid pedagogical foundation. It means - some apps are built awesome with jaw-dropping experiences, however, do not function practically within an actual classroom environment. And also lacks genuine learning opportunities.
Secondly, the app's developers do not give enough consideration to the fact - what their end users want. For instance; there must be specified criteria to make the interaction within various age group smooth, i.e digital media differs to an adult.
Here, based on research and our education app developer's expert advice, we have outlined key things to consider when developing an educational VR experience:
User Experience
The lesson that integrates a VR experience will also include other interesting activities other than learning. VR is used as an inducement for a writing task, it is being used as a virtual approach to a practical science experiment. For instance; whatever the case will be, there will be other elements to the lesson. As such, a VR experience that is too long and will take time to integrate into a lesson plan.
Conduct of Information
In case, the experience relies too heavily on in-app text, the convenience level may drop. Thus, in general, a good strategy is to apply a language-neutral interface. This can be easily found in the core Apple apps – the use of common symbols to make navigation more spontaneous. Therefore, you can take this idea for the inclusion of multiple language alternatives as a large proportion of VR content is generally available in English.
The User Interface
As we have seen, how the VR headsets make it harder for teachers to guide students if they are confused or lost as they cannot view their screen. As such if the overall UI is not simple, it can be frustrating to help students navigation. Certainly, a user-friendly interface, with a shallow learning curve, is essential - it is advised to incorporate some supporting functionality to make simple interaction with an element in the experience.
Demonstration Ability for Learning
The majority of VR experiences aimed at the education market. Very few VR experiences offer the ability for students to evidence learning without actually leaving the experience and completing an analog task.
There are some apps which allow users to save and export their learning or demonstrate it in some form. For instance; Tilt Brush is an app that allows virtual artists to record and export images, GIFs and videos of a piece of work.
Taking an instance for another impressive app that is the integration of live quiz deployment directly within the Engage platform from Immersive VR Education.
Also, by introducing a social VR experience like virtual field trips and lectures to be delivered to groups of students and to assessed right there in the app -it means that data can be collated midway through a session to gauge the level of understanding and perhaps adjust the flow of the lesson.
The following idea by our developers can helpful and useful to elevate the VR education ecosystem even further beyond.
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